Should have concession money to student accounts in the next week approximately.
They are making a few adjustments to the final price and should have that info soon from Bob Rodgers.
Committee Reports
Uniforms-15 still missing Will get list from Megan. She also cleaned the drawstring bags and garment bags.
Band Banquet Lora has been putting a lot of work into this and it is a Blues Brothers theme.
Big Band Dance – Potluck watch for more info coming soon
State Concert Band Festival
State Jazz Band Contest
Volunteers needed:
Concessions: Have a couple dates in April
Band Banquet-need volunteers
Big Band Dance-need volunteers
State Concert Band Festival 04/06/22 – Need helpers and food donations
State Jazz Band Contest 04/08-09/22 – Need helpers and food donations
Scholarship Committee: in place
Officer recruitment: need officers for next year:
President-elect Julie McClary
Treasurer elect is still an open spot.
Managing Sponsorships – This is still an open position, can ask Becca Zimbelman what this entitles.
Concessions: some dates still in April
Senior Graduation Seats
Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
Old Business
Constitution Review Update
Reviewed suggested changes
Updated the Executive Board Vacancies, and outstanding balance on student accounts can be paid by the treasurer from a student account if it has not been taken care of for an extended period of time.
Looking at adding some terminology to Charms with the verbiage that we will take the student funds out of their accounts if not paid within 90 days. Also looking at adding some verbiage in the student & parent handbook.
Website Update
Gave update that things are moving along and the website looks fantastic.
Steven is finishing up the terms for parents to submit photos to donate to the BPA. Will accept jpeg within the week.
Trip Update
New Business – None
Director’s Comments
Mitchell – last weekend we took 52 kids to Omaha, stopped at Aurora & Seward and performed for them real quick. UNO had its 50th Anniversary and had a great time. They are in the thick of Color Guard Additions, the list will be posted next week
LeFeber – have a band concert on Thursday March 10th at 8pm. Band trip rehearsals are coming up. During the trip they are performing with another band and in a recording studio. Students are now in the mix of submitting their schedules. They can always sign up later and have a schedule change. Next year’s events they are planning are Harvest of Harmony, LINKS, Sioux Falls, SD, and NSBA. Perry was the Band director in 74-79 contacted Mr LeFeber and brought in a scrapbook and old film and reels that he had in his basement.