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  1. Penny Parker called the meeting to order and gave introductions of attendees
  2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved: 1st Shawna Knott 2nd Lora Littrell Approved
  3. Financial Reports
    1. a. Treasurer Update: Abe Smith: $7000 deposit for concessions; $6624 sponsorship donations partly from Trius Bank; beef raffles; per bylaws, 10% of fundraisers go to KBPA, however for the beef raffles 100% will go to the participants.; Checks outbound were for student transfers; Once every three years we are charged for Charms 
    2. Overall, really good shape; reconciliation sheet-$26000 in student accounts for several areas; general accounts: $33000; Scrip account: come in and then transfer back out
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Uniforms: Kimberly Clark has had two batches of uniforms get cleaned and returned; She will start organizing them in June for the new school year
    2. Concessions: Angela Wright: some spots open for Thursday 4/6/23; possibly another chance on April 29th for district soccer.
    3. Band Banquet: May 6 @ noon; potluck lunch; sign up genius; need 2-3 people to help d. Big Band Dance: May 6 @ 7-10pm “Havana Night”: Posters and promos to promote community interest; dance contests; sign up genius for concession items and volunteers; fundraiser items: specialty punches and cups; chips; cupcakes; contest between the two jazz bands; Committee will reach out to radio and NTV for promo
    4. State Concert Band Festival: Per Shawna Knott: went well overall; may need more volunteers in the future; Per one of the clinicians: culture of musicianship here
  5. Volunteers Needed:
    1.  Concessions: April 6, April 29th?
    2. Band Banquet-check with Abe 
    3. Big Band Dance-check with Lora Littrell 
    4. Sponsorship Manager: asking for area businesses to sponsor the band program; big push before NSBA Marching Band Contest; always looking for sponsorships throughout the year.
    5.  Srip Coordinator: the Treasurer-Elect will begin to oversee this area
  6. Fundraising
    1. Concessions: April 29th potentially 
    2. Senior Graduation Seats: Per Abe, this is a raffle for up to 10 prime seats at graduation, gifted by the administration; generated online; to start around May 1-May 7. Made approximately $700-900 each year. There will be a QRL code to use. 
    3. Beef Raffle: We sold $4200 with all proceeds going 100% to the students going to Germany. Will start the next raffle tomorrow. Open to all students for this raffle. Raffle will close on 4/16 and the drawing will be on 4/26. 
    4. Scrip
  7. Old Business
    1. Trip Update: 88 people signed up; the trip coordinator said close enough in numbers to move forward; 17 spots are still available and people can still sign up until Thanksgiving time or until we meet the threshold of 105. Account is now opening up for trip payments. A new itinerary will be coming: will start in Berlin first and then working on extending the trip a day to go to the Czech Republic to connect with the UNK sister city. Students can sign up to be a UNK student and take a 0 credit class, they will not have to pay for it but can get the credit. (May have a small registration fee). Helps students get into the UNK system and can take a class about traveling abroad; German history; music history of JS Bach. 

***Student account money can be used for trip

  1. New Business
    1. Slate of Officers presentation: President-Elect: Jasmin Rivas; Secretary: Susanne Fries; Treasurer-Elect is still open
  2. Director’s Comments:
    1. Nathan LeFeber: Greeley Jazz Festival: looking forward to this trip; looking for connections in the local retirement homes for the Chamber Music groups to play at; Need for a storage facility and in conversation with architects, school board, and fundraising possibilities. More information coming in the future. This summer the Kearney Municipal Band is being rebranded and inviting students and community members to play at the newly renovated Harmon Park Sonotorium. Practice is on Tuesdays in June, concerts on Thursdays. Google Form has more information. Tammy Bartling with Alter Metals: can donate metal and get money for the band; their match fundraiser is in April only; Walmart Online: giving and impact; can set it up on app and can round your purchase up and donate to the band. 
    2. Rick Mitchell: Thanked the parents for being here and all they’ve done this year; Thanked Shawna Knott for all her work for NSBA concert band; NSBA concert band will move to Omaha next year; The District Music Contest and Greeley Jazz Festival happening on the same weekend on April 22. About 17 students are going to DMC.
  3. Meeting Adjourned: 1st: Steven Thiele 2nd: Julie McClary

Upcoming dates:

5/06: Band Banquet/Big Band Dance

Fundraising Concession Dates: 

4/29: Concessions?
