Mr Lefeber called the Meeting to order. He did explain to the group how Gretchen Sunberg was appointed to President by the Band Parent Executive Team when Julie Wheeler had to step down from the position. The other officers that were filled or elected during our May meeting.
President Elect – Penny Parker
Past President – Shannon Kramer
Secretary – Julie Fuqua
Treasurer – Abe Smith
Treasurer Elect – Susan Tonniges.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting (1st: Bodie Fuqua; 2nd Steven Thiele; Minutes approved by voice vote)
Financial Reports
Treasurer Update
Took in $2500 for NSBA startup
Main account was store apparel purchases
Abe explained how the 3 accounts we have.
Scrip account
General Account
Saving (Student, hardship, scholarship, color guard, instrument)
Approval of Financial Report (1st Mikaela Richmond; 2nd Lora Littrel; Financial Report Approved by voice vote)
Committee Reports – these jobs help to support our Band
Pit Crew: Ed Uden gave an update on Pit Crew and what they do each week at games and competitions. Ed asked for extra help so we can have someone to move props. He does have a blog post on Signup Genius to learn more.
Concessions: This normally happens in the springtime. Angela will be sending dates out.
Stadium CleanUp – Mr LeFeber gave an update on the history and would we want to as a group do it again? Nathan asked if anyone would be willing to be in charge. Sara said she would be willing. Hoping to get a signup genius link sent so parents can sign up.
Volunteers needed
Bearcat Marching Festival 9/18: Mikaela Richmond & Erika Krull explained all the jobs that are needed for our events.
Senior Night Recognition 10/15: Need someone to organize this event. Get the script to announcer, parents lined up etc.
Band Banquet Chair – Junior Parent (Spring): Need someone to organize
Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)-Lora Littrell: Need someone to help Lora
State Concert Band Festival 04/06/22: Will discuss at a later date
State Jazz Band Contact 04/08-09/22: Will discuss at a later date
K Cards: Normally get them end of Sept to early Oct. All money earned goes directly into the student account to be used for Band.
Spring Fundraiser: This will actually take place in Nov Students will sell bags of coffee with band logo on them. Whole Bean or ground. Will arrive in time for Christmas.
Concession again this is more in the Spring and Angela will send dates out.
Scrip: Will continue to use Scrip for this year and reevaluate it for next year. Would be good to find someone to oversee this to help get more people signed up and using it. Students get 50% and Band gets 50% of money earned.
Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program): Abe talked about this to the group. Been very successful in the past and you can now do in on the app
Old Business: NA
New Business: NA
Director’s Comments
Nathan LeFeber’s Comments – Thanked everyone for coming to support the kids. As of now everything is still on schedule, hoping for a normal season. Sunrise band teacher is asking the kids if they want to march out at the Veterans Home again this year. Friday Sept 17th. Will have a Band Trip in May to Nashville. Can be found on our website and also sign up on the website. Only 53 signed up so far, would like to have more attend.