we bought the Sax and Tuba approved from the prior meeting. The bar is in house and the tuba has yet to arrive. We have $14k in our account. 12/14 trip payments will be made from student accounts. Some charm accounts still need paid. We raised $1600 for students through coffee sales. We raised $1000 through Give Where You Live.
Committee Reports
Uniforms / Roadies: Uniforms have all been collected. Cleaning is being done by Megan Goeke.
Concessions: Concessions begins in January. Watch for emails to help. Angela Wright is leading this effort
Volunteers needed
Soup and Pie Supper January 14, 4:30-8:30-watch for sign up genius after break
Concessions: look for sign up genius
Social Media Chair – still seeking a volunteer
Band Banquet Chair – Junior Parent (Spring)
Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)-Lora Littrell
State Concert Band Festival 04/06/22
State Jazz Band Contact 04/08-09/22
K Cards-update: Completed
Fall Fundraiser (Mr Mitchell): Coffee delivery expected 12/9
Concessions: beginning mainly in January (1/7, 1/8, 1/22 and 2/4, 2/11, 2/18 – 4/9 and 4/14
Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
Old Business
Trip Update
Director’s Comments
Mr Mitchell – Underclassmen Honor Band for freshman and sophomores. Nominations closed last Friday. 60 schools have nominated names. Dr. Gilbert from Doane and Dr. Roach from Peru State will be our clinicians. We will need volunteers. Pep band call time is 3:45 – make sure your students know which band they are in and when to be here. IF they can’t make it they can find a sub. It is a graded performance.
Mr LeFeber: Great performance with the witn ensemble at the Music Educators conference in November at the All State Convention. We have two concerts next week; Tuesday will be concert/symphonic band and Thursday will be wind ensemble, comrade, and women’s chorus. Honor Bands in January/February. UNO jazz festival is happening again this year.
Website Tour: Steven Thiele gave attendees a tour of the new website underdevelopment. Launch planned for January. Better information. More access to details. Will be helpful fo parents/students and out of towners coming to events. Exec team reviewing and will make final determinations in January Exec meeting
Adjourn Meeting -1st Steven Thiele. 2nd by Teresa McKeon, & All in favor.