- Gretchen Sunberg called the Meeting to Order
- Reviewed Feb Meeting Minutes, Approved: 1st Lora Littrell, 2nd Bodie Fuqua, All approved
- Financial Reports
- Treasurer Update – Abe Smith absent so Mr LeFeber gave an overview. Several transfers of money for outstanding Student balances, Had to pay for Senior Flowers, Purchased new plume totes and have pvc tubes put in them to help with the upkeep. Also gave a general update to the band funds.
- Committee Reports
- Uniforms – Most of them are in. 2nd batch has been returned from the cleaners and they have been paid for.
- Concessions couple more coming up. March 16th and maybe April 29th.
- Band Banquet Abe needs a few more volunteers to help with that event. Just email him
- Big Band Dance May 6th. Would love to have 2 more volunteers for planning and setup. Contact Lora Littrell to help. Have a photo booth and some other fun things for the kids to do that night.
- State Concert Band Festival 3/29 9am-5:30 have 13 stations that need volunteers. Have a little bit of setup on Tuesday evening. 9am KHS Symphonic band and 9:30am KHS wind ensemble.
- Volunteers Needed:
- Concessions: 3/16 and 4/29
- Band Banquet-need volunteers, contact Abe Smith
- Big Band Dance-need volunteers, Contact Lora Littrell
- State Concert Band Festival 3/29, Look for signup genius to come out
- Scholarship Committee: in place
- Officer recruitment: need officers for next year: president-elect, treasurer elect, and Secretary
- Social Media Coordinator
- Sponsorship Manager
- Fundraising Opportunities
- Concessions: 3/16, 4/29 Watch for signup genius
- Senior Graduation Seats – Overall Band Fundraiser will come out in May
- March/April Raffles- explained all the details of the beef fundraiser. All $5 of the profit goes to the student account. Will try to focus on the students going to Germany to help offset some of those costs.
- Scrip Would like to promote this more and find a new coordinator to help push that.
- Old Business
- Trip Update: Have 83 currently signed up. Need to hit the 90 minimum mark by April when first payments are due. If they do not get to the 90 count then they will regroup and come up with a different plan. They have had additional interest even from the faculty. Hoping we can get to the 90 needed.
- Directors Comments
- Mitchell – Absent
- LeFeber –
- Kearney received NSBA Academic Achievement Award which is given to bands that maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher. KHS had 3.6 GPA
- Kearney Band Parent Association also received the Duane E Johnson Distinguished Service Award for all that we have provided to the NSBA
- Band Concert will be hosted on Thursday 3/9 with Nebraska Weslyn band as our guest.
- NSBA Concert band is 3/29 at Kearney
- Have a bus of students headed to Greeley, CO for a Jazz Festival.
- Discussed the Beef Fundraiser further.
- Motion to adjourn 1st Steven Theile, 2nd Shawna Knott. All in favor
Upcoming dates:
3/29: State Concert Band Festival
Fundraising Concession Dates:
3/16: Soccer (time?)
Potential Date: 4/29