General Meeting Minutes – February 2024 – Kearney Bands Skip to content

Kearney Band Parent Association
The mission of the Kearney Band Parent Association is to support the KHS band program, the directors and
Students. We offer a source of parent volunteers and organize fundraising activities, which allow band members
to help defray the cost of band trips as well as provide necessary funds for the operation of the Association.

  1. Jasmin Rivas called the meeting to order, group did introductions
  2. Approval of December Minutes: 1st Andrea Ripp, 2nd Shawna Knott, all approved
  3. Financial Reports:
    1. Jeff Hasenauer gave an update on the account balances.
    2. Students are using funds for Germany Trip, requests up to 2/1/24 have been processed.  It does take a couple weeks to process through to Tour Resource Consultants, so get requests in early.
    3. Food money during the trip can be requested but will not be processed until we have clarity on tax limitations allowed per day.  Once that is known, checks will be processed to the students.
    4. The band will do a mass conversion of USD to Euro and Czech crown to avoid service fee.
      1. Q – How much cash should students have?  A – Lunch will be on their own, souvenirs, snacks/gelato – plan on $20-$25/day
      2. Q – How do you find out how much is in kids account A – log into charms (kids should know) otherwise Nathan LeFeber has instructions
    5. Concession cutoff is this Saturday 2/10.  Money earned $8,067 and check will be processed.  Spring concessions will not be in time for Tour Resource Consultant but should be in time for spending money.
    6. Financial Report Approved 1st Alissa Nebbe, 2nd Julie Fuqua All approved, Motion Carries
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Uniforms –
    2. Concessions -maybe a few more BB games, track, soccer games coming up.  Dates at the bottom.
  5. Volunteers needed
    1. Concessions – Keep watching for emails for helpers
    2. Band Banquet – Kimberly Clark and Misha Eilers are co-chairs.  
    3. Big Band Dance – Big Band and Bell Bottoms – highlighting big band grooves of the 70s
    4. NSBA Concert Band Festival Thursday 3/28 need volunteers help.  8 bands (5 other schools), most will be students but do need some adults, 9am start should be done by 1pm
    5. Officer recruitment: need officers for next year: president-elect and treasurer elect
  6. Fundraising
    1. Soup and Pie Supper Update  $1002, Band gets $501
    2. Senior Graduation Seats – Nathan will get with Abe to get site up and running, for premium seating at graduation
    3. Spring Fundraiser – Beef Raffle
      1. ¼ Beef and 2 Rib Eye Rolls
      2. $10 Tickets, Raffle Limit is $5000, Start 3/1/24 – 3/26/24.  
  7. Old Business
    1. Trip Update – 99 Going!
      1. Passport Information needs loaded into We Travel
      2. Final Payment due April 1
      3. Class will be learning language and culture, request to let colorguard know so they can also attend
      4. Rooming List signup, if you are rooming with your student please let Rick Mitchell know
  1. New Business
  2. Director’s Comments
    1. Important Dates
      1. Feb 5 – Islander Jazz Fest
      2. Feb 23-24 – UNO Jazz Fest
      3. March 7 – Band Concert (7:30)
      4. March 28 – NSBA Concert Band Festival (at KHS)
      5. April 6 – Doane Concert Band Festival (all day)
      6. April 20 – DMC in GI
      7. May 2 – Band Concert
      8. May 4 – Big Band Dance and Band Banquet
      9. May 9 – Musicalia
      10. May 20 – 23 – Germany Trip Rehearsals (6:30 – 8pm)
      11. May 28 – Mandatory Germany Trip Meeting (5pm – and concert)
      12. May 29 – June 8 – Germany Trip!!
    2. Mitchell –
      1. Honor Band Season
      2. Jazz Fest Season
      3. Colorguard Auditions 2/19 – 2/22, the band wants to increase the numbers so please encourage students!
      4. District Music Contest April 20, mini audition before spring break
    3. LeFeber –
      1. Class Signup (band and chamber winds, colorguard, percussion, etc.)  If students have questions they should reach out to Rick Mitchell and Nathan LeFeber.
      2. 5/20 – 5/23 Germany Trip Rehearsals
      3. 5/28 Trip Expectations Mandatory Meeting (and concert)
      4. 5/29 Leave on Trip!
      5. Dave Martin Big Band Request, presented by Nathan Lefeber and Dave Martin
        1. Frank Greene is willing to come. Frank is a former lead trumpet player in Maynard Ferguson’s Big band and the current lead trumpet player in Count Basie’s band and a top on call player in New York City. 
        2. The thought is to have him come and do a masterclass with the KHS kids, play a song with Dave’s band and then have my professional big band play a concert (Flatwater Jazz Band ) featuring Frank and the KHS group.
        3. Dave plans to build crowd audience by engaging other school groups that could also fundraise at the event (not from the ticket sales but from selling products – tshirts, art, etc.)
        4. Targeting April 16 at the Merryman (Free since this is a school activity)
        5. Ticket Cost $15-$20 to reimburse KBPA
        6. Request for Kearney Band Parent Association to support $5000 with reimbursement based on ticket sales.  Jeff addresses there is money in the account to support this activity
      6. Motion to support Steven Thiele, Second Alecia Bennett – Discussion
        1. Q – Can this be offered to smaller surrounding schools?  A – Yes
        2. Q – What if you sell out the Merryman?  A – Will have to have plans to address that 
        3. Q – What happens if Frank Greene can’t make it? A – Cancels no charge, if we cancel Nathan will make contract
        4. Thanks to Dave for creating the band, for growing excitement for the concept, Thanks to Nathan for supporting Dave and the students
      7. All Vote Yes, Motion passes
  3. Adjourn Meeting
    1. 1st Steven Thiele & 2nd Bob

Upcoming dates:

Upcoming dates: Fundraising Concession Dates

02/05 Islander Jazz Festival 03/16 Soccer 10 am

02/09 Basketball Pep Band 03/19 Soccer 5 pm

02/15 Basketball Pep Band 03/21 Soccer 3 pm

02/23-24 UNO Jazz Festival 04/13 Soccer 1 pm

03/07 KHS Band Concert

03/28 NSBA Concert Band Festival

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