Approval of Minutes from May Meeting: Minutes Approved (Tish Thacker)
Financial Reports – Amy Fuqua
Report Approved
Treasurer Update – all accounts pd, students account transfers done to pay for orders, transfer from hardship fund to pay per exec board. Orders have come in and are being paid for student order
Motion to approve Robyn, seconded and motion passed.
Committee Reports
Pit Crew Ed Uden: First game went really well, lots of veterans returned and a few new volunteers made it really smooth. Sign-up Genus available for Pit Crew – Thanks for all the help and we’re going to have a really good year.
Uniforms / Roadies – Joni Ruth: First game went well, thanks to the volunteers who came to help. Lots of socks went out 🙂
We are taking donations for supplies, socks, bobby pins etc.
If there is any problem with your uniform let us know right away so that we can help.
Sign up genius will be available to sign up for coming games
Concessions – Angela Wright: dates to volunteer for concessions are listed below and will be posted on Sign Up Genius in December closer to the time for games.
Harmony Bridge – Shannon Krammer:Going great, worked out ways to social distance and be safe and continue to perform
Volunteers needed for next year
Senior Night Recognition
Band Banquet Chair – Junior Parent (spring)
Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)
bus sponsors needed for marching competitions
K Cards-Will be coming out soon, make sure to ask
Spring Fundraiser
Concessions-Sign up coming in December
Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program
Old Business
New Business
Director’s Comments
Mr. Mitchell – Thanks to all for coming, welcoming to all new Freshman Parents, students could not succeed without your help, we will be trying to make this year as meaningful and special as we can. Freshman-this is the year that sets the stage for all the rest. This is a large Freshman class and welcome to all. We are trying to find a way for students to perform/compete at contests and parades, but we do not know what the future will hold. We will be working out the details and sending out information. All State will not be held but will be conducted virtually, videos will be made and put together, talk to your student-there is still time, Auditions will be in late September.
Mr. LaFeber
Thanks for being here. My pleasure to work with your kids. Just be ready to be flexible, check your email, changes will certainly be coming.
Ways to keep updated: We are working to get band information on Campus, we will also be using Remind, Charms and
Currently we can only have busses at 50% capacity, we are asking parents to take students in order to help out. A survey was sent out, please respond. @ the Aurora competition parents will not be able to watch the competition so plan accordingly.
Please consider helping out at our end of season event. A survey was sent out, please fill it out.