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  1. Call Meeting to order- Minutes from last month passed.
  2. Financial Reports 
    • Treasurer Update: Budget was shared, $3100 Club Choice fundraiser deposited and paid out.  Currently have $14,000 in band checking account. 
  3. Committee Discussions 
    • Uniforms: still a few out, please remind band students to turn them in.
    • Concessions: Need 3 more volunteers for Saturday   1 for 9:30-12  and 2 for 10:00 to 12:00.  Please sign up
    • Sr Flag: set a date for repair 
    • Big Band Dance – May 8th   From 7-9        Approved for up to 200 people- more details to come
    • Band Banquet – May 8th- From 1-3 pm at Yanney -more details to come
  4. Volunteers needed 
    • Script- Decided to give it one more year to see if it is worth it. Robin is willing to take it for one year (20-21). Should we continue next year? We are thinking of cancelling no parents spoke up in opposition. One parent said they use it and said they could take it or leave it.
  5. Fundraising 
    • Student Fundraiser -If you sold something it comes in on Wednesday the 7th.  It will need to be picked up after school and delivered. 
    • Concessions -information stated above
    • Script -NA
    • Amazon Smile -Continue to use to help us raise money for band
    • Auction off graduation seats -More information to come out to allow for parents and the community to auction off the seats. 
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business 
    • Scholarship- 2- $250 scholarships are available. 2 Students will be chosen and notified of the award.
    • Slate of Officers presentation- President-Elect Penny Parker, Secretary Julie Fuqua Treasurer-Susan Tonnigues
    • Non of the proposed officers were contested-there were no nominations from the floor and then all were slated in for next year. 
    • No Band Meeting next month, just look for an online voting for next years officers. 
    • Uniforms for next year will be discussed with the uniform committee, if you want to donate any shoes, gloves etc have your student drop them off in the band room. 
  8. Directors Comments
    • Mitchell- Praise for how well things have gone this year with all the changes for COVID.  Coming up is district music contest, it is limited to just individuals and small ensembles. It is in Central City and parents can attend to watch.  Scheduled times will be sent out as soon as they are received. 
    • Lefeber-Band registration numbers for next year are currently at 200 and still more to come. The show for next year is called The Summit and planning has started to happen.  Band Trip proposed for 2022-(5 days right after the end of the school year for $800 – $900) start thinking about summer jobs to help your students raise money.  
    • Big Band Dance-approved up to 200 people, and will be live streaming if you can’t attend.  A group of students were selected to play at the state capitol and they have been practicing hard and sounding good.  The coaching and instruction for that came from an outside source and the money ($1100) to pay was voted on by band parents and approved. 
    • Mitchell- Thanks to all outgoing volunteers for their service and help this year it was greatly appreciated. 
  9. Other:
    • KPS Foundation was here.  Lisa Parish was here to help us honor Ed Uden for the outstanding volunteer of the year award. Way to go Ed we appreciate all that you do.  Your dedication and assistance to the band has been invaluable.
  10. Upcoming Dates: 
    • Concession Dates: 03/31 NSBA
    • 04/09-04/10 NSBA JAZZ
    • 04/24 District Music Contest
    • 05/08 Big Band Dance
    • 05/08 Band Banquet
    • 05/12 Musicalia
Nathan LeFeber