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  1. Call Meeting to Order – Gretchen Sundberg
  2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting:
    • Motion to approve: Steven Thiele
    • Second to Motion: Anne Bauer
    • Minutes Approved by voice vote
  3. Financial Reports
    • Treasurer Update – Received Sponsorship funds, Student Payments, & Bearcat Marching Festival transactions. 
    • Successful Bearcat Marching Festival  Net Profit $4331.25
  4. Committee Reports
    • Pit Crew (Ed): Had more volunteers this time at HOH which is great because we have extra jobs. He would like to get 4-5 more helpers. 
    • Uniforms / Roadies: 
      1. Megan was at the school today (Tues) to work on uniform issues. 
      2. Informed the group that we are purchasing replacement coolers for water to transport on the buses 
    • Stadium CleanUp: Has been going well and all signup slots have been filled. 
  5. Volunteers needed
    • Senior Night Recognition 10/15
    • NSBA 10/23: Need several more volunteers for NSBA.  Approximately  90 spots filled.  If you volunteer you get in free, 1 shift also gets a free meal, 2 shifts get 2 free meals. Signup Genius is up and live. There are a variety of jobs that people can help with. 
    • Social Media Chair: Asked if anyone would like to take care of our Social media accounts. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.  If you are interested, connect with the Band Directors. 
    • Band Banquet Chair – Junior Parent (Spring)
    • Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)-Lora Littrell
    • State Concert Band Festival 04/06/22
    • State Jazz Band Contact 04/08-09/22
  6. Fundraising
    • K Cards-update: Have not arrived. Hopefully they will be here soon. Mr Mitchell gave a brief explanation of the benefits of the cards. All $5 goes into their student accounts. 
    • Upcoming Fundraiser: Concessions-mostly in the spring
    • Scrip
    • Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
  7. Director’s Comments
    • Mr Mitchell -Desperately need bus sponsors, contact Band Directors right away if you are able to help.  Just finalized all state auditions, hoping to hear soon.  Kids did a great job with the auditions and we had several that did audition.  He also offered a huge thank you for the flowers that were sent for his Mom’s service.
    • Mr LeFeber
      1. Had a great day at HOH.  2 of the 6 judges contacted Mr LeFeber directly to say what a great job our kids had done. This coming Sat is the LINKS competition. Last day of marching band practice is 22nd of Oct, per the Drum Majors request we will get the students coffee and donuts. Last performance will actually be the Veterans parade. Mr LeFeber worked with KPS finance director to get some relief money. Secured $20,000 to clean and upkeep our instruments. Currently in the process of working on another grant to get some new Tubas. 
      2. Oct 26th is KPS Music Festival, need a few volunteers to serve the kids lunch because 8th graders are invited for the day.  Qdoba is ordered in.  
      3. Jazz at the World. Jazz band playing at the World Theater 2nd Tuesday of every month.  Free Will Donation
      4. Mr LeFeber is participating in our local Dancing with the Stars which is supporting youth organizations in the community. If you would like to support them with a donation or by attending please visit the website.
      5. OMI competition schedule is preliminary.  Benefits to this competition is they bring in judges from around the country rather than just local judges. Bands are scored on first performance and then play again based on their ranking which determines the playing order. Chance for Kearney to play against other larger schools. Does not appear that they will get to stay for awards due to the timing with Bus Driving restrictions. 
    • Trip Update – 143 kids are signed up for the trip. 
  8. Adjourn Meeting -1st Bodie Fuqua, 2nd Mikayla Richmond, & All in favor.

Upcoming dates:

  • 10/8 – Home Football Game
  • 10/9 – LHS Marching Contest 
  • 10/12 – KHS Volleyball Game                                    
  • 10/15 – Home Football Game -Senior Night
  • 10/16 – OMI Marching Contest
  • 10/23 – NSBA
  • 10/29 – Play-off Football Game (TBA)
  • 11/6 – Veteran’s Day Parade   
  • 04/06 – State Concert Band Festival
  • 04/08-09 – State Jazz Band Contest Finals

Fundraising Concession Dates:

  • Sat 1/8 8:30-4:00 KHS swim invite
  • Sat 1/22 2:30 B/G BBall 
  • Fri  1/28 4:30 B/G BBall
  • Fri  2/4 4:30 B/G BBall                                    
  • Fri  2/11 4:30 B/G BBall
  • Fri  2/18 5:15 B/G BBall
  • Sat 4/9 12:00 JV/V Girls Soccer
  • Sat 4/14 5:00 JV/V Boys Soccer


  • Sat 10/30 Volleyball District Finals
  • Th  2/24 Girls BBall District Finals 
  • Tue 3/1 Boys BBall District Finals
Nathan LeFeber