Approved: 1st Bodie Fuqua 2nd Erika Krull, All in favor
Treasurer Update: Abe Smith
Not many transactions, getting check for concessions, however money has already been put into the student accounts so they can apply that towards the Nashville Trip
Students will get $277 per diem for the Nashville trip. Will have more info in May to get the money to the students
Out of 144 we only have 4 that still owe a balance on the trip.
Committee Reports & Volunteers Needed
Uniforms – Still missing a few
Concessions – Two more dates April 9th & 14th
Band Banquet – May 7th 3-5pm Need volunteers and will have a signup genius coming out soon for an RSVP and food sign up
Big Band Dance – May 7th 7-10pm Need Volunteers. Band Department has post cards and posters to hand out so we can promote the dance. Admission fee is $10 and these funds will benefit the Band Department. They will have concessions, pie, coffee, soda fountain, & Popcorn available for purchase. Gibbon popcorn company is partnering with us on the popcorn sales.
State Concert Band Festival – 4/6/22 Volunteer Positions Full
State Jazz Band Contest 4/8-9/22. Still in need of a few volunteers for Saturday. Even if you can work part of a shift we will take the help. Sat parking will be available at the Church for all volunteers. Burger King is donating all of the hamburgers for this weekend.
Still in need of a parent volunteer for Managing Sponsorships.
Concessions: Some April Dates Available
Senior Graduation Seats; The donation/raffle is up and running
Scrip – no update
Amazon Smile – no update
Old Business
Constitution Review Update
Gave overview of the changes that were discussed last month
Voted, Approved, 1st Anne Bauer 2nd Lora Littrel, All in favor
Website update
Photo Submission is now live. Can submit up to 10 photos at a time.
Trip update
Rehearsal dates have been sent out and they will have parent forms that need to be filled out closer to the trip.
New Business
Slate of Officers Presented
President-Elect: Julie McClary, Treasurer-Elect Jeff Hasenauer
Voted, Approved, 1st Steven Thiele, 2nd Abe Smith, All in favor
Director’s Comments
Mitchell – Excited about the opportunity for the kids to be in front of the state concert band and Jazz band. District music contest is April 23rd. Have 26 entries and an additional 6 that will get to perform. It is open to the public. Schedule should come out next week.
LeFeber – Thankful to have such supporting parents. Hosting 2 events in Kearney helps show off our facility. NSBA Marching Band had another school put into host for 2022. But Kearney was still selected for the host site. State Concert Band is not a competitive event. The State Jazz Band event is a competition. Announced that the students will do a Professional recording while in Nashville of the National Anthem & School Song that can be played when the Band is not available.
Motion to Adjourn: 1st Julie McClary 2nd Steven Thiele