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  1. Meeting called to order: Gretchen Sundberg
  2. Review and approval of March Meeting Minutes
    1. Approved: 1st Teresa  2nd Lora Littrell, All in favor
  3. Treasurer Update: Abe Smith
    1. Abe gave an overview of the last year. Summary of expenses vs income. Abe shared some of our purchases like getting a new Tuba and Barry Sax. Also hoping to increase instructor payment for the next year. 
    2. Abe suggested with our trip to South Dakota next year we look at adding a meal to the budget for the Band kids
    3. Money for Nashville will be distributed on May 23rd. Parents can pick a Cash or Check up to $270 if they have the available funds in charms. 
    4. Seniors with left over money can go into 1 of 5 accounts in the band or can go to a younger sibling that is in band or will be in band. 
  4. Committee Reports & Volunteers Needed
    1. Uniforms/Roadies – Updates coming soon, Need a new volunteer as Megan Goeke is stepping down. 
    2. Band Banquet Sat 3-5 in Cafeteria, Hopefully everyone had seen the signup genius. Current number 74 responses with 194 attending. Will send another email to families. 
    3. Big Band Dance Sat the 7th from 7-10pm will have 2 intermission times to swap out bands.  Still need a few more volunteers for admission tables and concessions.  Doing a tribute to police officers, they will have a dance off for Shake your tail feathers. Instructional video is on the website.
    4. Managing Sponsorships – Need someone to ask for donations from businesses.  Becca Zimbelman  is stepping down. 
    5. We will send an email out for upcoming volunteer opportunities. There are various positions needed. 
  5. Fundraising
    1. Senior Graduation Seats-Abe Spoke about teh graduation raffle. Will close on Sunday evening. Planning to do drawing on Monday. Plan to promote at the Band Banquet and Big Band Dance.
    2. Scrip
    3. Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
  6. Old Business
    1. Website Update
    2. Trip Update
  7. New Business
    1. Election of the new Executive Committee Members

President-Elect: Julie McClary

Treasurer-Elect: Jeff Hasenauer

Motion 1st Bodie, 2nd Steven, all in favor. 

Abe staying as the Treasurer since Treasurer Elect Stepped Down

  1. Director’s Comments
    1. Mitchell-We have several concerts coming up, District Music Contest just completed. Kids did very well at districts. We had 6 that received either outstanding soloist or runner up. Next year Jazz District Music will be in Grand Island.
    2. LeFeber – Musical was last weekend and kids did really well in the pit orchestra. Arts Signing is 5/13.  Musicaliia is on 5/12 (kids can showcase their talents). Trip rehearsals are coming up 5/16 4-5:30, 5/18 4-6, 5/20 1-3pm, 5/21 9-11am, 5/23 5:30-7pm (include parent info meeting).  Shout out to Erika Krull, Michaela Richmond & Shawna Knott for organizing NSBA Concert & Jazz dates.  Kearney High did get 3rd place at the Jazz Ensemble
  2. First meeting of the 2022-2023 year is Sept 6th
  3. Adjourn: 1st Abe Smith, 2nd Bodie Fuqua, all in favor. 
