- Meeting called to order: Gretchen Sundberg
- Review and approval of March Meeting Minutes
- Approved: 1st Teresa 2nd Lora Littrell, All in favor
- Treasurer Update: Abe Smith
- Abe gave an overview of the last year. Summary of expenses vs income. Abe shared some of our purchases like getting a new Tuba and Barry Sax. Also hoping to increase instructor payment for the next year.
- Abe suggested with our trip to South Dakota next year we look at adding a meal to the budget for the Band kids
- Money for Nashville will be distributed on May 23rd. Parents can pick a Cash or Check up to $270 if they have the available funds in charms.
- Seniors with left over money can go into 1 of 5 accounts in the band or can go to a younger sibling that is in band or will be in band.
- Committee Reports & Volunteers Needed
- Uniforms/Roadies – Updates coming soon, Need a new volunteer as Megan Goeke is stepping down.
- Band Banquet Sat 3-5 in Cafeteria, Hopefully everyone had seen the signup genius. Current number 74 responses with 194 attending. Will send another email to families.
- Big Band Dance Sat the 7th from 7-10pm will have 2 intermission times to swap out bands. Still need a few more volunteers for admission tables and concessions. Doing a tribute to police officers, they will have a dance off for Shake your tail feathers. Instructional video is on the website.
- Managing Sponsorships – Need someone to ask for donations from businesses. Becca Zimbelman is stepping down.
- We will send an email out for upcoming volunteer opportunities. There are various positions needed.
- Fundraising
- Senior Graduation Seats-Abe Spoke about teh graduation raffle. Will close on Sunday evening. Planning to do drawing on Monday. Plan to promote at the Band Banquet and Big Band Dance.
- Scrip
- Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
- Old Business
- Website Update
- Trip Update
- New Business
- Election of the new Executive Committee Members
President-Elect: Julie McClary
Treasurer-Elect: Jeff Hasenauer
Motion 1st Bodie, 2nd Steven, all in favor.
Abe staying as the Treasurer since Treasurer Elect Stepped Down
- Director’s Comments
- Mitchell-We have several concerts coming up, District Music Contest just completed. Kids did very well at districts. We had 6 that received either outstanding soloist or runner up. Next year Jazz District Music will be in Grand Island.
- LeFeber – Musical was last weekend and kids did really well in the pit orchestra. Arts Signing is 5/13. Musicaliia is on 5/12 (kids can showcase their talents). Trip rehearsals are coming up 5/16 4-5:30, 5/18 4-6, 5/20 1-3pm, 5/21 9-11am, 5/23 5:30-7pm (include parent info meeting). Shout out to Erika Krull, Michaela Richmond & Shawna Knott for organizing NSBA Concert & Jazz dates. Kearney High did get 3rd place at the Jazz Ensemble
- First meeting of the 2022-2023 year is Sept 6th
- Adjourn: 1st Abe Smith, 2nd Bodie Fuqua, all in favor.