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  1. Gretchen Sundberg called the Meeting to Order
  2. Reviewed Oct Meeting Minutes, Approved: 1st Kathy Maxson, 2nd Abe Smith, All approved
  3. Financial Reports
    1. Treasurer Update-Abe gave an overview of the reconciliation account. 
    2. All Marching Instructors have been paid now. They are up about 20% so great way to help this program grow, additionally we added one more instructor to the list as well. 
    3. Hosting NSBA has been a game changer for the band parent association.  Earned about $4700 at BMF and so far we have $8700 for NSBA and expecting about an additional $7000 from NSBA. Big thanks to Lou Maxson for helping count money for the last 9 years. Concessions are up as well. 
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Pit Crew -Nothing to report
    2. Uniform/Roadies-Will be turned in after the Veteran’s Day Parade. Have them all bring in the uniform the following week. Directors will remind them to keep shoes and other personal items at home. 
    3. Concessions – Will be sending out a signup for those dates
    4. Stadium Cleanup Funds will come in after the Nov or Dec School Board Meeting. Then Abe can apply that to the Student accounts
  5. Volunteers Needed
    1. Senior Banners: need to move them to gym – Abe will be moving them to the gym soon
    2. Soup & Pie Night Fundraiser – January 5 Asking all the parents to donate pies. First day of school back. Same night as the GI BB Game. 
    3. Band Banquet Chair – Junior Parent (Spring) – Still looking for a Junior Parent
    4. Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)-Lora Littrell
    5. State Concert Band Festival March 29th at Kearney
    6. State Jazz Band Contest  April in Omaha
  6. Fundraising
    1. K Cards-update- asking students to turn in the cards or money as the sales are done. 
    2. Fall or Spring Fundraiser – Still looking at what the Spring Fundraiser will be. 
    3. Concessions-beginning 12/17
    4. Scrip
    5. Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
  7. Old Business
    1. Trip Update – Still waiting for school board meeting to get approval for the proposed trip. 
  8. New Business
    1. Drum Majors gave a thank you to all the Band Parents.
  9. Director’s Comments
    1. Mitchell – Thanked all the parents for their efforts to help with Pit, Uniforms, and any help that is given to the students. Mitchell said that our parent organization is full of great culture.  We have lots of leaders within our organization and are full of positive people. End of Nov is All State, 10 kids going, 52 kids going to the TriM, our chapter was the state chapter of the year last year.  Lots of openings still for honor bands.
    2. LeFeber – Recap of Marching Season. Very Successful in LINKS 2nd overall and took home some other best of’s, we had the highest score for the day of Quad, NSBA performance ended on a high note, believe it is the highest score Kearney has gotten.  UNK Homecoming Parade we received 1st which earned the band $200. Ethan Sundberg is lead trumpet for the all State.  Still have the  Veteran’s Day parade on Nov 12th. Also taking 19 students to Doane this weekend. Christmas Concerts are Dec 13th & 15th. That will get us through the 1st Semester.  Please share photos on the website for promo purchases. Will have an email sent out regarding action shots too. 
  10. Adjourn: 1st Bodie, 2nd Steven

Upcoming Dates:

 10/29   UNK Homecoming Parade      

11/12 Veterans’ Day Parade                  

Fundraising Concession Dates:

12/17              BBall 2pm

01/05              BBall/Wrestling (time?)

 01/07           Swim/Dive/GBBall 8:30am

02/04             Diving 9:30am

02/04              BBall 2pm

02/11              BBall 6pm

02/18              BBall 5:15pm

03/16           Soccer (time?) 

Other possible dates: 02/16, 02/18, 02/25, 04/29
