- Penny Parker Called the Meeting to order
- Reviewed Sept Meeting Minutes, had to make a change. Lora Littrel is in charge of Big Band Dance no the Band Banquet. Approved: 1st Theresa, 2nd Steven, All approved
- Financial Reports
- Treasurer Update
- Abe gave update of of transactions. BMF made about $3200 on gate receipts, Concessions about $1200
- KBPA is providing the students a pizza meal with fruit for SD trip. So that expense will be planned for this month. Water donations are down so we will ask for donations.
- 20 kids have not paid their charms bill. Mr LeFeber has sent those students emails
- Treasurer Update
- Committee Reports
- Pit Crew- Still need more help
- Uniforms – Kim Clark was absent but did report prior that everything is going well. If your student needs anything make sure to reach out to her.
- Concessions – Angela was absent but we will have dates to volunteer
- Stadium Cleanup – Nothing to report
- BMF/NSBA – Have experienced leaders, signup genius is online and need more helpers. Encourage people to signup for the same job as they did for BMF so they are familiar with their job. Cost is $9 and you get in free if you work a shift. Will reach out to the Chamber to get more help. Students can help during the day. Will also send out via the Political Science teachers for volunteer hours to students. This is a huge fundraiser for Kearney.
- Volunteers Needed
- Senior Night 10/14-Looking for a couple more volunteers. Need to be there by 5pm. Mr LeFeber sent email to all the senior parents.
- NSBA 10/22 – Need volunteers and get free admission with a shift
- Social Media Chair Would like to hear from anyone that is interested.
- Band Banquet Chair (Spring) Looking for someone to chair.
- Big Band Dance Chair (Spring)-Lora Littrell
- State Concert Band Festival (date?) This will be in Kearney in April.
- State Jazz Band Contact (date?) Moved to Omaha this year
- Fundraising
- K Cards-update Arrived today and they can start checking them out on 10/5 in groups of 10.
- Upcoming Fundraiser Last month we talked about ideas and we are still seeking out ideas for 2nd semester.
- Concessions-mostly in the spring
- Scrip – Abe gave overview of what Scrip is and encouraged everyone to use for xmas time.
- Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program)
- Director’s Comments
- LeFeber – Thanked everyone from coming. Events on Sat were great at Harvest of Harmony. Our score was more than 7 points above the other bands. Gave an update on how the scores are determined. To get a Superior rating you have to have a 75 or above. We received an 85.7. Josie Steele received Miss Congeniality in the pageant. Links is this next week, itinerary is on the website. Call time is earlier for the football game is earlier on Friday Oct 14th. Quad is Oct 15th. UNK homecoming is Oct 29th, KPS band festival is Oct, after marching band season they will move into honor band season.
- Trip Update – Company from the 2020 trip year. is planning something and hope to have update next month.
- Motion to adjourn 1st Bodie 2nd Theresa. all in favor.
Upcoming Dates:
10/04 KHS Volleyball GAME
10/08 LHS Marching Contest
10/14 Home Football Game (HoCo/Senior Night)
10/15 Quad State Marching Contest – SD
10/22 NSBA
10/25 KPS Band Festival
10/29 UNK Homecoming Parade
Fundraising Concession Dates:
12/01 Wrestling (BBall?) 6pm
12/17 BBall 2pm
01/05 BBall/Wrestling (time?)
01/07 Swim/Dive/GBBall 8:30am
02/04 Diving 9:30am
02/04 BBall 2pm
02/11 BBall 6pm
02/18 BBall 5:15pm
03/16 Soccer (time?)
Other possible dates: 02/16, 02/18, 02/25, 04/29