- Penny Parker called the meeting to order at 6:30pm, introductions of all the attendees were made
- Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved: 1st Julie McClary 2nd Lora Littrell Approved
- Financial Reports
- Treasurer Update: Abe states that we are in very good shape financially. Concession money will be coming in; student accounts have the beef raffle money added to them. Raffles went very well. May do the beef raffle again next year. May just purchase 2 quarters, but may not have 100% go to the kids’ accounts.
- We paid over $7000 dollars to marching instructors; donated funds for long distance marching trip meal; the funds we raise through NSBA allow us to help with these things.
- Savings accounts: primarily down due to moving into students accounts; Scrip is changing to Raised Right.
- Checks we wrote over last 2 months: related to fundraisers, concessions, and a nice check from Trius.
- This time of year, student payments are for honor programs and trips e.g., Greeley.
- Abe is working on a budget for next year. May consider providing a meal for the Omaha Marching Trip
- Committee Reports
- Uniforms/Roadies: per Kimberly, a few drawstring bags are missing; In June, uniforms will be organized and getting ready for Marching Band season; New plume bags are complete or almost complete; they hold 118 plumes. Will need volunteers during band camp.
- Band Banquet: Sat. May 6 at noon; can always use more volunteers; Theme is Ra, based on Marching Band Show
- Big Band Dance: Sat May 6 from 7-10pm: per Lora, sign up genius looks really good; she thanked everyone for signing up to help; need a couple more people to help with raffle table and concessions; Invite friends!
- Volunteers Needed:
- Band Banquet-need volunteers 5/6/23 12-2pm See above
- Big Band Dance-need volunteers 5/6/23 7-10pm See above
- Managing Sponsorships: still looking for a volunteer; the process will be streamlined and easier to manage than in the past.
- Volunteers for next year: watch for emails and sign up genius for the various positions needed
- Fundraising
- Senior Graduation Seats: offered raffle tickets for 8 preferred seating at graduation; we are at $500+ right now; will offer raffle tickets at Big Band Dance as well; keep sharing with the public; it’s another good fundraiser for the band.
- Beef Raffle: Great fundraiser! Raised about $4000 in March and $4000 in April. Shamrock Farms donated the beef and processing. Rib Eye roll x2 was also donated. The winners have stated that the beef is great! Will see if it can be done again next year.
- Old Business
- Trip Update: 89 Participants this far; spoke with people at UNK and travel agent-We are partnering with UNK and they will kick in $3000 dollars. It will change the trip. No longer going to Berlin, but will get to go to Vienna. Working on updated itinerary. Cost should stay the same or go down a little bit. Payments started in April. Check the website for updates and to register/make payments.
- New Business
- Election of new Executive Committee Members:
President-Elect: Jasmin Rivas
Secretary- Elect Susanne Fries
Treasurer-Elect: Jennifer Yendra
Motion: Andrea RIpp
2nd: Alisa Bennett
Motion carried for new slate of officers
- Directors Comments
- Mr. Mitchell: Thanked everyone for supporting the kids and the program. It’s a busy week but a fun week. Concert, Band Banquet, Big Band Dance, and Musicalia. Musicalia is a great way to end the year…a celebration of the whole year. Two weekends ago, there was District Music Contest. Freshman and sophomores primarily. Two excellent ratings and 9 superior ratings. The Jazz Bands were in Greeley during this weekend. Looking ahead to next year: All State music was given out today. It’s optional, but definitely a way for a student to learn and grow. Marching Band theme for next year is “The Arena, “ based on a quote by Theodore Roosevelt.
- Mr. LeFeber: The Greeley trip was really fun. Stopped at Ogallala and played for elementary students. Also played at a retirement home in Sterling, CO. The Jazz Ensemble got a superior rating. Sam Kreis: superior rating, Henry Stelling, superior rating, Ethan Sundberg: honorable mention. Also got to go to Rocky Mountain National Park. There were also some band students who played in the pit orchestra for the musical. Lots of fun things are coming up. Band Concert 5/4, Percussion concert 5/5, Band Banquet, Big Band Dance, and Musicalia. Thinking about summer, there is the Kearney Municipal Band that will be playing in the newly renovated Harmon Park Sonotorium. There will be a concert there on June 2 . Mr. Mitchell and Mr. LeFeber will be playing in a group. Band camp dates have been sent out.
- Meeting Adjourned: 1st: Steven Thiele 2nd: Julie Bydalek
Upcoming dates:
5/06: Band Banquet/Big Band Dance