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  General Meeting Agenda

November 5, 2024 – 6:30 pm

1.Call Meeting to Order 
Julie filling in for Jasmin
Jasmin Rivas
2.Approval of Minutes from last meeting
Motion to approve – 1st – Alissa Nebbe
2nd – Meghann Frey
Motion carries
3.Financial ReportsTreasurer Update – Student accounts $16,885.91

NSBA financial update (still waiting on a couple of cost totals). Program proceeds down a little from last year. $153.04 net profit on programs. Concessions net profit so far (minus pop and walmart receipts) $7,409.36. Tentative overall profit $13,588.16. We don’t have access or information on gate numbers. NSBA has that information and LeFeber will try to obtain that information

Big Expenses for October:  Vermillion food ($670) and snacks ($221) and Last Supper for Marching band (Mom & Dads no invoice yet but expected to be $1,500) & Bari Cases were desperately needed as they were falling apart ($1,625)

Motion to approve:
1st Gretchen Sunberg
2nd Kim Clark
Motion carries

Jennifer Yendra
4.Committee Reports
Pit Crew – Ed suggested we had a student leadership position for Loading Foreman for loading and unloading the trailer. One of the last events a couple of students had to help load trailer and did an excellent job.

 Uniforms / Roadies – one last event – Veterans Day parade this weekend –  lining up on A Ave right behind The MONA

Concessions – sign ups will be out soon with additional date added since we are running it now and pickup dates that other organizations do not pick up. 1/11/25 and 2/15/25 will be tournament type days with many shifts to fill. 

Stadium CleanUp – We will have one more sign up for this Friday for the playoff game. 

Ed UdenKimberly ClarkAngela Wright
Shawna Knott/Andrea Ripp
5. Volunteers needed:
Senior Banners move them to gym – they will be up again for the playoff game Friday and then the kids will get them moved to the gym.

 Soup & Pie Night Fundraiser – Will be around January and we help supply and serve the pies. Pies ideally need to be precut.  The Booster Club covers everything else from soup to paper goods. 

Band Banquet Chair – Dee McClenahan has agreed to be the chair. 

Big Band Dance Chair (Spring) – Lora Litrell will be organizing the event again this year.


Spring Fundraiser – in years past we’ve done a beef raffle that has worked very well. Looking to do it again next spring. 


RaiseRight – you can get gift cards and a portion of the purchase goes to the bank. 

Spark (Walmart)

Sponsor info for next year (Nebbe) – 15 sponsors last year up to 40 sponsors this year. Alissa visited over 100 places. She would like more ideas for next year on who to ask. $8,342.25 raised from ads and $4,000 in trade for services. $12,342.25 total raised. Next year Melissa has volunteered to help Alissa with this. 

7.Old Business

NSBA – will get final updates by next meeting. LeFeber said many directors came up and were appreciative of how we host the event every year.

Pit Crew Olympics is a big hit for all the participating schools. NSBA rep was satisfied.

Senior Night – Pictures did go home with the kids. They got them last week. Parents enjoyed the photo more than the flower that has been done in the past. 

K Cards – Sales are about wrapped up. Have less than 100 cards out that have to be accounted for.
8.New Business
9.Director’s Comments

Mitchell – Thank you to all the volunteers for Vermillion and NSBA. The field the band stopped at in Albion was a great space to use for a break on the way home. All the kids had a lot of fun. We have results from Allstate auditions. 14 auditioned and 7 secured spots. We had 8 students at Doane last weekend. Next week we will go to Concordia. 

LeFeber – Year is going great so far. The Freshmen are doing a great job. KPS Band Festival – had 8th graders here and the band members did great showing them around. Had a discussion with middle school directors on expected student numbers.  6th and 7th graders make up their mind around 7th grade if they want to continue to pursue band. Yesterday and today some alumni went to the middle schools to encourage those students to continue participating in band. Plan on doing this on a monthly basis.We will go to San Antonio for the 2026 Band Trip. Information will start being distributed soon. Looking at going to Six Flags, Alamo, and River Walk with a possible performance on the River Walk. Might do a side trip to New Mexico to let the kids swim in the Gulf. Cost is around $1,500. The December concerts will be moved around a bit this year. Be on the lookout for those dates. Music department photos will be done Dec 19th. 

Motion to Adjourn
1st – Alisa Bennett
2nd – Jennifer Petzet
Motion carries
Nathan LeFeber / Rick Mitchell

Concessions Dates

1/2 Bball

1/11 Bball/Swimming – All Day

1/22 Bball

2/15 Bball All Day

2/21 Bball

4/9 Soccer




Date Event Location Time

11/2 Doane Fall Festival of Winds* Crete All Day

11/9 Veterans’ Day Parade Downtown 10:00 am

11/20-22 All-State (by audition only)* Lincoln TBD

11/26 KHS Jazz Concert KHS 7:30 pm

12/10 VG/B Basketball vs LSE KHS B 5:15/7:00  pm

12/12 KHS Music Concert KHS 7:30 pm

12/17 KHS Music Concert KHS 7:30 pm

———————————————-CHRISTMAS BREAK!————————————————-

1/17 VG/B Basketball vs. Fremont (8th) KHS G 5:15/7:00  pm

1/20 Underclassmen Honor Band* KHS CHaT all day

1/19-20 Hasting Honor Band* Hasting College Audition Only

1/24 VG/B Basketball vs Columbus KHS B 5:15/7:00  pm

1/24-25 UNO Honor Band* UNO Audition Only

1/27 UNK Honor Festival* UNK Audition Only

2/7 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS G 5:30/7:00  pm

1/31-2/2 UNL Winter Winds Honor Band* UNL Audition Only

2/15 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS B 6:00/7:45 pm

2/13-15 Wesleyan Honor Band* Lincoln Audition Only

2/21 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS G 6:00/7:45 pm

2/28-3/1 UNO Jazz Fest UNO All Day

3/6 KHS Band Concert KHS 8:00 pm

4/4 NSBA Concert Band Festival KHS TBD

4/12 Hastings College Percussion Summit HC TBD

4/15 Central Nebraska  Jazz Festival Kearney TBD

4/26 District Music Contest KHS TBD

5/8 KHS Band Concert KHS 7:30 pm

5/10 KHS Band Banquet KHS 12:00 pm

5/10 KHS Big Band Dance KHS 7-10 pm

5/15 Musicialia KHS 7:00 pm

The symbol * means these activities are optional and by audition only.

B = Blue Band G = Gold Band

Mattie Webben