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Kearney Band Parent Association
The mission of the Kearney Band Parent Association is to support the KHS band program, the directors and Students. We offer a source of parent volunteers and organize fundraising activities, which allow band members to help defray the cost of band trips as well as provide necessary funds for the operation of the Association.

  1. Call Meeting to Order: Julie McClary
  2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting
    • Motion to approve 
    • 1st -Alisa Nebbe
    • 2nd -Meghann  Frey
    • Motion carries
  3. Financial Reports:
    1. Financial Reports
    2. Reconciliation Review – went over the different accounts and balances. Many of the funds going to Germany expenses. Will continue to drop after currency exchanges. $34,702.42 total in student accounts. $4,775 Charms Balance.
    3. Bank Move Status / Plan – process will start this week. Moving from Farmers Merchants to Pinnacle. Process should be completed by this time next week. Charms is going away. Financials will be moved to Quickbooks online. $75 a year for us since we are a non profit (normally $500 a year). We chose Pinnacle bank for its ability to mesh with Quickbooks. 
    4. Foreign Currency Requests – Last Day: May 3rd – If we do it all together as a group, everyone can save money. There are TWO forms. Student funds request form to use student funds for a certain need (foreign currency). The second form is to determine how much of each currency you want for those funds. Send your total desired amount of each currency and the treasurer will calculate the difference. Conversion back to US dollar afterward falls to the parents. Can be done at most banks but is cheaper at the airport. 
    5. Motion to approve
      • 1st – Jasmin Rivas
      • 2nd – Alissa Bennett
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Concessions – Last one April 13 – sign up genius out shortly. Decision has been made to take over concessions as a whole. Someone will take care of inventory and another will take care of pizza orders. Will have one additional helper. 
    2. Band Banquet – Getting sign up genius ready. Potluck type. May 5th, 5pm . Sign up will include a number of attendance per family.
    3. Big Band Dance – Fundraiser for the Jazz Band/Ensemble. $10 entrance fee proceeds all go to Jazz Band. Anything extra like a raffle will go to the band parent account. Last year we had a goal of $2,000 which we reached. Promotional material includes posters, band website, postcards to hand out. They all have a QR code to scan which leads to band calendar page. No dance contest this year. Group dance for Night Fever. That 70s Swing music. There will be an email that goes out to all  band parents. That email will have signup genius link. Volunteers needed for UNO Tournament – 2 shifts – will need 3 volunteers for each shift. Admissions table – 2 shifts. Concessions 2 shifts. Photo booth 2 shifts. Candy grab bags to sell, along with cupcakes, pringles, fanta soda, Levi’s popcorn. If you are unable to volunteer, encourage your business to donate items to sell at concessions or make a financial contribution. Last thing to figure out is when we can get into the building since it’s a school day. School is dismissed about 3:40pm.
    4. State Concert Band Festival – went very well last week. 9 bands came. They plan to keep this corresponding date each year. Non competitive event. Each band performed 3 tunes and had a clinic with a Nationally recognized judge. Had 3 total judges. 
  5. Volunteers needed
    1. Concessions: Soccer April 13 
    2. Band Banquet-need volunteers (May 5, 5 pm)
    3. Big Band Dance-need volunteers (May 3, 7-10pm)
    4. President Elect and Treasurer Elect – need to lock these positions down very soon. Please spread the word.
  6. Fundraising
    1. Concessions: April 13
    2. Senior Graduation Seats – looking at 10 premium seats to raffle. Will begin late April or early May. Open to everyone, not specific to band. 
    3. RaiseRight
    4. Spark (Walmart)
  7. Old Business
    1. Trip Update
    2. Constitution review – minimal changes. Mainly verbiage changes and aligning things for consistency. Added teaching duties for treasurer elect and president elect. Some changes to wording to simplify.
    3. Motion to approve
      • 1st- Alissa Nebbe
      • 2nd Kaysie Haas
  8. New Business
    • Slate of Officers presentation: still working on this
    • Senior photos for marching band senior night – changing to this instead of presenting flowers. This is the only change. 
  9. Director’s Comments
    • Mr. Lefeber is judging in Lincoln area. Mr. Mitchell will be giving directors comments. Thank you to all who come to these meetings and participating. Sold about $4800 in tickets. Consolation prize went to Linda Snovech. Winner was Mr. Mitchell’s dad. No cheating was involved 🙂 No April round for the beef raffle. This Saturday the Wind Ensemble is going to the Doane concert festival. This is a new festival. They have invited 4 of the top Wind Ensembles. Us, Lincoln East, Waverly, and then Doane will also play. Composer will do a clinic with the band. They will all perform the same piece at the end. Open to public at 3pm at Doane concert hall. Maynard Furgeson (played at Kearney High in 2004) performance coming up. Student band led by Dave Martin who came here from Haiti. April 16th is the date. Spread the word. Cornhusker volleyball team was going to play at KHS and now it is moved to UNK.  Big Band Dance will stay on May 3rd and Band Banquet May 5th. May 9th is Musicalia which is a music department for writing and is a great fundraiser. Leadership applications came out today and are due by April 30th. They have to do a service project and a fun project. Drum major auditions will be next week. 
  10. Adjourn Meeting
    • 1st -Alissa Bennett
    • 2nd – Gretchen Sundberg

Upcoming dates:

4/6 Doane Concert Band Invite-Crete
4/20 District Music Contest-Grand Island
5/2 KHS Band Concert
5/3 KHS Big Band Dance (7 pm-10 pm)
5/5 KHS Band Banquet (5 pm)
5/9 Musicalia
5/20-5/23 Trip Rehearsal (6:30 pm-8 pm)
5/28 Germany/Czech trip meeting
5/28-6/6 Germany/Czech Republic Band Trip
Band Camp dates will be emailed out shortly
Will still have a May meeting on the first Tuesday.

Fundraising Concession Dates

4/13 Soccer

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