Kearney Band Parent Association
The mission of the Kearney Band Parent Association is to support the KHS band program, the directors and Students. We offer a source of parent volunteers and organize fundraising activities, which allow band members to help defray the cost of band trips as well as provide necessary funds for the operation of the Association.
- Julie McClary called the meeting to order, group did introductions
- Approval of Minutes: 1st Steven Thiele, 2nd Alissa Nebbe, all approved
- Fiancial Reports:
- Jeff gave an update on the account balances.
- $8640.40 was raised from KCards.
- Stadium Cleanup funds have arrived and will be transferred into the student accounts this next week.
- Jeff is getting steady requests to have student funds applied to their Germany Trips
- Fiancial Report Approved 1st Jasmin Rivas, 2nd Kim Clark All approved
- Committee Reports
- Uniforms – Uniforms were turned in on Sat 12/2 in the evening and the cleaners will pick them up on 12/13. We are only missing a few uniforms now.
- Concessions – Email went out on 12/5 for Sat Concessions with a few slots still open, more dates to come
- Volunteers needed
- Soup and Pie Supper January 12th 4:30-8:30. Watch for signup genius. We will need helpers to serve and bring pies. Please have the pies precut.
- Concessions – Keep watching for emails for helpers
- Band Banquet – Kimberly Clark and Misha Eilers are co-chairs. Nothing new to report this month
- Big Band Dance – Lora Littrell is wiling to come back and chair this event. KBPA appreciates her continued support
- Fundraising
- Spring Fundraiser – Beef Raffle – This will be a little different than last year. We will have a cost to purchase both of the ¼ beefs and the processor cost. After we have an estimate we will then need to take that cost off the top. Also a 2nd drawing will occur for both raffles for a ribeye roll donated by Gibbon Pack
- Raise Right – This is a program where you can purchase gift cards for select stores and get a percentage back to KBPA. ½ of the kickback goes to the student and ½ goes to KBPA. Details can be found on the website.
- Spark (Walmart) This is a round up donation offered on or the app. KBPA is offered on Walmarts list of organizations
- Old Business
- Trip Update/Passports – Reminder to get your passports for the Germany Trip- Passports MUST BE VALID for 6 months after the last day of the trip.
- New Business
- No General Meeting in January
- Director’s Comments
- Mitchell –
- They have started Pep Band. The students are split into 2 groups, the Blue or the Gold Band. They are only then covering ½ of the games. They are welcome to participate in extra pep band dates for additional Letter Points. If you would like to know which band your student is assigned to it is on teh website under the Student section, then Pep Band Roster. Call time is 45 minutes before the game starts (IE 4pm game would have a call time of 3:15pm)
- 12 Students made it into UNK Honor Band
- There is 2 upcoming concerts on Tuesday the 12th and Thursday the 14th.
- Having Clash of the cans which is a friendly competition between band and orchestra for a canned food drive. Please send your canned food items.
- LeFeber –
- Summary of this last months events, concert before Thanksgiving, Band placed at the Mall for a Christmas event, Band played at the hospital for a holiday party they had, and they visited teh retirement home across the street.
- Some upcoming events to highlight: KHS is not doing the Jazz Festival this year but they will be attending the GISH Jazz Festival instead. Wind Ensemble will be going to Doane to a collaboration of music with other schools. March 28th KHS will host NSBA Concert Band which is during a regular school day. We will need volunteers to assist with that, last year we had 16 schools attend.
- Upcoming band camp dates:
- June 27th & 28th – Freshman, Color Guard, Drumline and Leadership Team
- July 1st – 3rd – Morning Drumline, Color Guard. Afternoon All Band
- Mitchell –
- Ajorn Meeting
- 1st Alisa Bennett & 2nd Kacie Hass
Upcoming dates:
- 12/09 Basketball Pep Band
- 12/12 KHS Music Concert
- 12/14 KHS Music Concert
- 01/12 Soup & Pie Fundraiser
- 01/12 Basketball Pep Band
- 01/26 Basketball Pep Band
- 02/02 Basketball Pep Band
- 02/05 Islander Jazz Festival
- 02/09 Basketball Pep Band
- 02/15 Basketball Pep Band
Fundraising Concession Dates:
- 12/09 BBall 10 am
- 12/16 BBall 2 pm
- 01/12 BBall 4:30 pm
- 01/27 BBall 2 pm
- 02/02 BBall 5:15 pm
- 03/16 Soccer 10 am
- 03/19 Soccer 5 pm
- 03/21 Soccer 3 pm
- 04/13 Soccer 1 pm