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Kearney Band Parent Association
The mission of the Kearney Band Parent Association is to support the KHS band program, the directors and Students. We offer a source of parent volunteers and organize fundraising activities, which allow band members to help defray the cost of band trips as well as provide necessary funds for the operation of the Association.

  1. Call Meeting to Order (Julie McClary)
  2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting
    1. Motion to approve: Julie McClary
    2. First Approval: Gretchen
    3. Second Approval: Alissa
  3. Financial Reports (Jeff Hasenauer)
    1. Treasurer Update – bank move is complete. All accounts at Farmers are closed. Account balance $27,381.15. $24,530.70 in student accounts. Does not reflect beef raffle money or spring concession funds. We do have some funds that were leftover from last years graduation seat raffle that were found and will be deposited. 
    2. Beef raffle funds raised $3819.50.
    3. Brad Goode concert cost us $3,050.64 but students really learned a lot from him so still worth the cost considering. 
    4. Spring concessions raised $4,042.99
    5. Raise right $92.28
    6. Walmart $52.61
    7. Big band dance $1574.75
    8. Order placed for the foreign funds. Over 50 request and almost $20,000 conversion requested. Exchange rate is locked. Statement will be worked up and delivered so parents know what they will owe on the 28th. Hopes to have statements out in the next 10 to 14 days. 
    9. Motion to approve
      1. First Approval: Alissa
      2. Second Approval: Pam
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Uniforms/Roadies (Kimberly Clark): updates coming – all pants organized, jackets will be organized by band camp 1. 
    2. Band Banquet (Kimberly Clark)  – was a success
    3. Big Band Dance (Lora Littrel) – $1575.42 proceeds go to jazz band
  5. Volunteers needed (Julie McClary):
    1. Volunteers for next year: watch for emails and sign up genius for the various positions needed – looking for another water person.
  6. Fundraising (Julie McClary)
    1. Senior Graduation Seats – Lauren Harbols won! brought in $191.98 – significantly less than last year
    2. Beef Raffle $3,819.50 – to student accounts
    3. Papa Murphy’s online-until May 20-25% profit donated; Code for online ordering: Pizza
    4. RaiseRight
    5. Spark (Walmart)
    6. Alter metal has ended – $1460 raised from metal donations
  7. Old Business (Nathan LeFeber)
    1. Trip Update
    2. Big Band Dance
    3. Band Banquet
  8. New Business (Julie McClary)
    1. Election of new Executive Committee Members:
      1. President-Elect: Jennifer Petzet
      2. Secretary: Mattie Webben
      3. Treasurer-Elect: Lisa Meseure
    2. Motion to approve: Julie
      1. First Approval: Steven
      2. Second Approval: Jasmin
  9. Director’s Comments
    1. Mr. LeFeber: Lots going on this last month. Doane College Wind Band Invite. Switching to My Music Office (MMO). Taking everything off Charms and moving it to MMO. Look for communications on the transition. Uncertain if it will still be one login for student/parent. Papa Murphys fundraiser going on right now. A little disappointed on the turnout for the Brad Goode concert but kids greatly benefited from his knowledge and expertise. Looking into grant funds for something similar next year. We will start a Central Jazz Festival organization next year. 2 hour rehearsal 3 times a month. 
    2. Germany trip – need to update emails in WeTravel so students get those communications as well and not just the parents. All the rooming, flight, and bus lists are set. Next big thing is the mandatory rehearsals starting the 20th. Around 65 students and 35 adults going. Luggage needs to be in the band room on the 28th so it can be inspected and weighed. 
    3. Musicalia is happening on the 9th at 7pm. Great fundraiser for supporting the music department. 
    4. Show for 2024 is called Dragons. Been talking with design team. 4 movements. Each movement will be about a different dragon. There has been talk about a smoke machine and flying kites. UNK band day 9/21. 9/28 columbus, 10/5 harvest of harmony, week of the 12th off. 19th back to SD, then NSBA
  10. 10. Motion to close the meeting
    1. First Approval: Steven
    2. Second Approval: Jasmin

Upcoming dates:

5/9 Musicalia

5/20-5/23 Trip Rehearsal (6:30 pm-8 pm)

5/28 Germany/Czech trip meeting 5:00 pm

5/29-6/6 Germany/Czech Republic Band Trip

6/27-6/28 Band Camp Week 1 (8-4) (Freshman, leadership, drumline, color quard  and new students)

7/1-7/3 Band Camp Week 1 (8-4) (Everyone)

8/5-8/9 Band Camp Week 2 (8-4)

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