February 4 2025 6:30 pm
1. | Call Meeting to Order | Jasmin Rivas |
2. | Approval of Minutes from last meeting Motion to approve: 1st: Alisa Nebbe 2nd: Gretchen Sundberg Motion carries | |
3. | Financial ReportsTreasurer Update All K Card Funds in, still waiting on final totals for fall concessions and Stadium Clean Up to put in MMO. Hoping to have these numbers by the end of the week. General Fund: $43,009.59 Student Fund: $27,976.07 (includes a hardship fund of around $1600 currently) Online Account: $6,104.11 c. Motion to approve: 1st Shawna Knott 2nd Jennifer Petzet Motion carries. Purchase for band- Tuba – We currently have 8 students hoping to play tuba next year and we are short one tuba. We haven’t purchased one in 10 years. There are different levels of tubas and Nathan recommends a Yamaha tuba. List price $15,000 but he reached out to Yanda’s and they can get it for us for around $10,000. Need to approve motion to purchase from the General Fund. We had lots of sponsors this year and the new concession management which will help replenish the funds used for the tuba. Motion to approve: 1st: Alisa Nebbe 2nd: Shawna Knott Motion carries. | Jennifer Yendra |
4. | Committee Reports Uniforms / Roadies – cleaners coming Thursday to pick up the uniforms. Just a handful still outstanding. Concessions – several dates between now and the end of the school year. Band Banquet Chair: Big Band Dance: Lora Littrell – this year’s theme is USO 1940s. Goal is to raise $2,000. This is the Jazz Band fundraiser. Entry fee goes to the Jazz band and the funds made from concessions go to KBPA. We will try to incorporate the veterans. She has reached out to the veterans home to see if we can have some residents come to the event. Another idea is to share door proceeds with the veterans home. She has some posters we can get out to spread the word. Some students not involved in the band don’t know about the dance so need ideas for spreading the word more to the students. | Kim Clark & Alisa Bennett |
5. | Volunteers needed: Concessions: continue to look for sign up genius through the spring Band Banquet () will need volunteers Big Band Dance (Lora Littrel) will need volunteers Officer recruitment: need officers for next year: president-elect and treasurer elect and secretary? No nominations as of yet but spread the word. | Jasmin Rivas Dee McClanahanLora Littrell |
6. | Fundraising Soup and Pie Supper Update, Totals: $498.00 Senior Graduation Seats – will raffle up to 8 premium seats for graduation March/April Raffle – scheduled for March. RaiseRight Spark (Walmart) | Jasmin Rivas |
7. | Old BusinessNo January meeting | |
8. | New Businesstrip update – see directors comments | |
9. | Director’s Comments Rick Mitchell Marching band attracts a lot of attention but we need help all year long. It’s honor band season. Around 8 students did UNK Honor Band. Also has the Hastings Honor Band. Last weekend he took two groups down to the Winter Winds Festival and the new honor band this year called Patriots of the Plains. Students performed side by side with an army band which was very exciting. Wesleyan Honor band is next weekend with around 6-7 students attending. Also this month is Jazz Honor Band – leaving early and will stop and see the Mnosil band. In March, the directors go to the NSBA convention and they have applied for and are being presented an award for GPA. Collectively we have a GPA of 3.59. Very proud of our students. Nathan LeFeber He put in a request for us to host NSBA again next year. This year the contribution given to the host has been increased by about $2,000. We have 103 signed up to go on the trip. We have 107 spots so only about 4 more spots available. We will have more information as the trip approaches. Finished listening to the placement exams and posted the lists in the band room. The students will need to select the class for the corresponding band. Let him or Mitchell know if you have any questions about registration. Appreciate all your support. Motion to adjourn: 1st Tim Knott 2nd Alisa Bennett Motion carries. | Nathan LeFeber / Rick Mitchell |
Upcoming dates:
2/7 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS G 5:30/7:00 pm
1/31-2/2 UNL Winter Winds Honor Band* UNL Audition Only
2/15 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS B 6:00/7:45 pm
2/13-15 Wesleyan Honor Band* Lincoln Audition Only
2/21 VG/B Basketball vs. GISH KHS G 6:00/7:45 pm
2/28-3/1 UNO Jazz Fest UNO All Day
3/6 KHS Band Concert KHS 8:00 pm
4/4 NSBA Concert Band Festival KHS TBD
4/12 Hastings College Percussion Summit HC TBD
4/15 Central Nebraska Jazz Festival Kearney TBD
4/26 District Music Contest KHS TBD
5/8 KHS Band Concert KHS 7:30 pm
5/10 KHS Band Banquet KHS 12:00 pm
5/10 KHS Big Band Dance KHS 7-10 pm
5/15 Musicialia KHS 7:00 pm
The symbol * means these activities are optional and by audition only. B = Blue Band G = Gold Band