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Students will be awarded a letter as soon as they accumulate enough points. A letter will be awarded for a student who will accumulate 35 points or more.

To be eligible, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member of at least one band for the entire year
  • Earn at least a “B” average in class
  • Perfect attendance at all performances
  • Return all equipment and music
  • Keep track of points earned

If there is a musical activity not included below but potentially relevant to your music education and development, please discuss the opportunity with a band director.

Please make sure to complete the Band Lettering Form, and submit it to the directors with any required documentation.

Points may be earned in the following ways:

Two Points

  • Attendance at any type of live instrumental or vocal concert – attach programs (Band, choir, orchestra, symphony, musical, etc. – Rock concerts excluded).
  • Lessons on your instrument – two points per month (include name of teacher and how long/often you meet)
  • Giving lessons to a middle school or non-high school band student, 2 points per month

Three Points

  • Honor Band Audition (3 points per audition – excluding All State) – Please provide a list
  • Student aid for a music teacher – Please provide a list
  • Write a report on a famous composer or performer (2 pages, 12 point font, double spaced)
  •  Volunteering to help with special events (i.e. District Music, BMF, 8th band contest, etc.)
  •  Learning and performing on a secondary instrument (excluding vocal)

Five Points

  • Participation in band for 8 semesters
  • “I” Rating at Solo & Ensemble Festival – instrumental only
  • Extra-curricular performance (SSB at a game, church, jazz gig, etc) – (Please provide list of date, location, group members)
  • Served on the Leadership Team

Six Points

  • Audition for All-State Band/Choir/Orchestra
  • Participation in area music organization (band, orchestra, church orchestra/choir) – Please provide list
  • Solo or small instrumental ensemble at District Music Contest
  • Acceptance and participation of a college honor band or choir – Please provide list

10 Points

  • Attend 100% of the “other” bands pep band games
  • Jazz Band for entire year
  • Compose a piece or music for two or more performers and perform it for an audience
  • Attended a summer music camp the summer prior to this year – Please provide list
  • Full participation in Tri – M

15 Points

  • Participation in All-State Band, Orchestra or Jazz Band
  • Musical Pit Orchestra
  • Successful completion of AP Music Theory