This page has the detail for loading the trailers.
Loading Trailer #1 (Band Trailer):
(Left & Right are as you face the front of the trailers)
- Sound Tower Rack (up front left corner by shelf – ratchet strap it to the wall)
- Subwoofers are next up front. First subwoofer backs in directly in front of the sound tower rack (left side, under the shelf), second subwoofer backs in to the right of the first subwoofer (right side, under the shelf). Handle bars for tower rack and subwoofers can fit between the two subwoofers on their side.
- Wagons (put up on the 2×10’s to create the shelf – put Left one in first, then Right one. Solid wheels to back, turning wheels to front). 2×10’s sit in the brackets mounted to the upper eTrac – front one fits against front of front wheels, back one fits against back of back straight wheels of wagons
- Set the ‘bridge’ on the left wagon over to the front shelf. Put white Bass Drum on the bridge (between shelf and left wagon) – gently strap it on to the bridge
- optional: 2 Sousaphones on Trailer main shelf up front.
- Vibe1 (narrow end toward back / wide end toward front) on top of the left wagon, against the left side, to the front of the wagon, lock the wheels
- Vibe2 (narrow end toward front / wide end toward back) on top of right wagon, right side, to be back of the wagon, lock the wheels
- Speakers go up on the wagons, one by left Vibe, one by right Vibe – grill side toward the center of the trailer
- Xylophone (narrow end toward front) on top of wagons, in the middle – between Vibes 1&2
- Marimba3 – under the wagons, on the left side, nose toward back – lock the wheels
- Marimba2 – under the wagons, on the right side, nose toward back – lock the wheels
- Marimba1 – under the wagons, in the middle, nose toward front – goes in between the other 2 marimbas – lock the wheels – then LoadLock at back of wagons
- EquipmentCart1 (pit/aux cart), then loadlock
- EquipmentCart2 (battery/harnesses), then loadlock
- 2 Decks from Wagon1 on the Left side, over the wheel well area, on top of the load locks – first deck is top out & 2×4 down, 2nd deck is top toward middle & 2×4 up
- 2 Decks from Wagon2 on the Right side, over the wheel well area, on top of the load locks – first deck is top out & 2×4 down, 2nd deck is top toward middle & 2×4 up
- EquipmentCart3 (colorguard/bassdrums), then loadlock
- SynthCart, open side toward back, strapped to right side wall
- 3 Sousas on top of Synth Cart, at an angle, right one with flat side toward back, second and third one in center and on left with flat side toward front
- Crotales (in front door, between Marimbas and speakers)\
- Plume totes – should fit on equipment cart, if not they go up front – under shelf on front right corner – by the door for easy access – may need to also go on top of crotales if needed
- Attendance Backpack, Pepband Charts, Repair Toolkit, – up front on the shelf
- 2 FatMax cases go in back seat of the pickup
- For Games: Sousa stands may fit on carts or may need to go on the wagons (hopefully on the carts). X-stands, snare & tenor stands may go on carts or on wagons for the games. X-stands can go to left of SynthCart at back of trailer.
- IF there is a Parade, remember the KHS Band Banner (lay it on top of the 3 carts), and the US & Nebraska flags with holders.
- Air Compressor sits on front-right corner of main shelf. Generator sits behind the air compressor, next to the wall right by the side door. Orange cones stack and sit next to right wall, in front of the side door for easy access from side door
- Front Top Shelf of Trailer contains: Spare Tire, Blankets, Ratchet Strap bags (2), First Aid Kit, LED lights, pennant ropes, carpet remnant,. One Rachet Strap bag has eTrac rachet straps and 2×4 pocket brackets. Other Rachet Strap bag has classic rachet straps and bungee staps
- Front Main Shelf of Trailer contains: Air Compressor, Generator, Spare Parts Bucket, Sand Bag Bucket, Tote with Rain Ponchos and Hand Warmers, Tote with Tarps, Stadium Rope and Brackets/posts, Tool Kit, Feather Flag w/pole & brackets, Yardline Markers, Tote with extras, Tote w/Safety Vests & Game Passes, three larger lawn chairs (under the shelf), two regular lawn chairs.
Loading Trailer #2 (Theatre Trailer):
- 2 Podium Stands – on front left wall – larger one up front, ratchet strap to the wall, smaller one right behind the largest, ratchet strap to the wall
- AuxRack to front right corner, open side toward side door
- Large pyramid prop box on wheels in the center, all the way to the front. Ratchet strap the large prop box and the aux rack to the side walls with tension toward the front. Ratchet strap two prop ramps on to top of large prop box (bottoms together).
- Put small pyramid prop box on wheels upside down on top of medium pyramid prop box. Then it goes to the left side next to the wheel housing. It will need to be rachet strapped to the side walls with tension toward the front. We need to put a rachet strap over the top of the small box to hold it on the medium box so the small box does not move
- Tall banner frames go on top of 2x10s on upper eTrac, in the back half of the trailer. Rachet strap around/over the front 2×10 and frames to keep it from sliding
- 4 Timpani on the right side, beside the right wheel housing. 1,4,3,2
- RedWheels sits behind the middle pyramid prop box. Rachet strap red wheels and the timpani between the walls with tension toward the front
- Tall Main Podium Stand – lays down at the back end of the trailer, wheels toward the left wall. put hand hand rail under the podium put wheels in front of the podium between it and redwheels
- Bells cart on Jarvis goes on top of the Large podium, along with podium rail.
- Prop Ramps on top of large prop box – ratchet strap it!
- Hat Bags – load as needed – up front inside the large pyramid prop box and inside the aux rack area as well as on top of the center podium at the back
Loading Equipment Carts for Trailer #1:
Cart 1: Pit Equipment & Aux Extras

- Top Shelf: 2 Synth Keyboards [need to strap down keyboards – gently]
- Middle Shelf: Sousaphone, 2 Plume Totes
- Bottom Shelf: PercussionVault, Percussion case
Cart 2: Battery Percussion

- Top Shelf: Drumline Harnesses (interlock 1,3,5,7 toward one side, 2,4,5,8,… toward other side)
- Middle Shelf: 4 SnareDrumCases and 1 Sousaphone (or Other Drum Cases)
- Bottom Shelf: 2 TenorDrumCases, BassDrum1 and the CymbalVault
Cart 3: Percussion & Color-guard

- Top Shelf: Color-guard Flag Bags (keep between the ends of the cart) [need to strap down with ratchet strap before loading in to trailer]
- Middle Shelf: 4 BariSaxes, 1 Sousaphone
- Bottom Shelf: BassDrumCases5,4,3,2 and Cymbal case
Sousa Stands may fit on the bottom shelf of this trailer between the Bass Drum Cases.
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2024 Loading Order:
=== Trailer #1:
Tower Rack
2 Subwoofers w/speakers
White Bass Drum
Two Wagons
3 Marimbas
Synth Cart
3 Sousas
=== Trailer#2:
2 Podium Stands
Aux Rack
Large Prop box (3 ramps)
Medium Prop box w/Small box
Jarvis bells
4 Tympani
Main Podium Stand