Welcome to 2019-2020 Kearney High School Band!
Band Parent Association Directory
Robyn Jackson & Kathy Maxson
Corinne Harre
Nathan LeFeber, Director
Rick Mitchell, Director
Band Camp Information
Download the music before camp
[password provided by band staff]
Band Camp Week #1 – July 8th –12th
Band Camp Week #2 – August 5th-9th
Student T-shirts
All student T-shirt purchases are optional. Each year prior to the marching season, a shirt is designed by the Drum Majors to represent the show’s theme. This shirt makes a great memento of the season and can be worn under the uniform. Some instrument sections (example: trumpets) also order their own student-designed sectional t-shirts. Again, these shirts are low cost and a great memento.
Please keep in mind that all t-shirts are optional. Section T-shirts are handled exclusively by the section leaders and not by the directors or drum majors.
Bearcat Band Schedule
While there are possibilities for times and dates to change, all schedule information can be found on the website.
Abraham Lincoln famously said once, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” As I look forward to the next school year I really hope that each and every one of us can consider that challenge. We make choices every day about who we are going to be, what we are going to do, and what kind of attitude we will take through our day. Abe Lincoln also said, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” The choices we make need to be just that choices. Not reactions to the circumstances around us.
We have all chosen to be members of the Kearney High School band and I am so glad that you all did. We are going to have a great year filled with fun, travel, performances, successes, friends, music, food, and so much more. What a blessing! We will also face times of difficulty, times of stress, times of tiredness, and times of laziness. It is at times like these that we need to remember President Lincoln’s words. What you have chosen to do, be good at it. Do what it takes to find success and fulfillment. Our circumstances will not always be happy or easy, but we can really learn of the depth of our character by what attitude we choose to take. It is my hope that you will choose success and tenacity over complacency and negativity which ultimately leads to failure.
Spend some time this summer getting outside and getting exercise, spend some time playing and enjoying your instrument, spend some time with your friends in band and build those connections. Your success in band doesn’t start the first day of band camp or the first day of the school year, it started this morning when you woke up and made decisions about who you wanted to be, what you wanted to do with your time, and the attitude you take through your day. Choose to be positive, productive, and passionate and you will find success. See you all soon!
Mr. LeFeber
Welcome! We have an exciting show planned for this year that is sure to inspire the performers and excite the crowd. This year’s theme, Matador, takes us across the sea to Spain to celebrate the sounds and traditions that surround bull fighting. As we go about making our art, we will also form friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. I want to congratulate all of you for having the initiative to participate in this crazy activity called marching band.
As you go about your summer fun, please take some time and do your part to make this year’s band camp and marching season as successful as possible. There are things you can do now that will make this process even more productive. Number one is to be practicing. Even 20 minutes a few days a week on scales, long tones, lip slurs and your show music will ensure that you are not totally out of shape at the start of camp. Stretching and getting some sort of exercise will greatly help your stamina out on the field. I know this will require many of you to turn off the video games and movies and actually go out into the sun, but this sacrifice will pay many dividends.
And always remember, Ricardio loves you! The KHS Marching Band has always prided itself on having a family atmosphere. We genuinely care about and look after all the members of our organization and want the best for them. I would like to encourage each and every one of you to do your part to maintain this awesome tradition. This summer, reach out to some of your fellow bandmates and begin to build or strengthen relationships. Upperclassmen, if you know of an incoming freshmen, go out of your way to connect with them. The quality of the relationships you form within the band will not only greatly enhance your experience, it will ultimately make us a better ensemble.
I truly look forward to seeing all of you in July. We have a tremendous leadership team and I am confident that this year’s show will be one of the best yet. Have fun this summer!
Mr. Mitchell
Marching Uniform
Each student will be issued a band uniform during the first week of band camp. More information about how it must be worn and how to care for it can be found on the Uniform page.
Parents: Snacks for Camp
Camp Week 1: Each family is asked to bring a case of water. Please deliver to the band room.
Camp Week 2: Each family is asked to send snacks for breaks during camp. Please provide at the beginning of camp. We suggest fresh fruit (grapes, orange slices, cut-up melons—please leave on rinds), cookies, bars, muffins, breads, granola bars, string cheese, or Gogurt. We also appreciate individual packets of Lemonade mix that can be used in water bottles.
**Fresh fruit is VERY popular and we always run out! Very much appreciated it if you can bring fruit! **
Please avoid sending anything with peanuts or tree nuts due to allergies. A Signup Genius will be sent out by email for volunteers.
Band Parents
The KHS Band Parents Association exists to support the directors, students, and band program. Any parent who has a student in the band is a voting member of the Association. The ‘support’ for the program is offered in a variety of ways. You might volunteer to be a bus sponsor, chair a fundraising event, or even become an officer. Parents can log into Charms and select any of these in the interest sections of the parents tab.
We look forward to working with each of you!
Charms Store
Each student needs to have:
- blue band polo
- white gloves
- marching band shoes
Freshmen and new students will need to purchase these items. This can be done through the Charms Store. You can pay with a credit card or you can use “bill and pay” and bring in cash or check if you prefer. Every student needs these items. If money is an issue then please reach out to a band director and we can help. The deadline is July 10th.