Call Meeting to Order and Introductions – Kathy Maxson/Robyn Jackson
Secretary’s Report – Tisha Thacker
Review and Approve Minutes from February; minutes approved
Financial Report – Corrine Harre/Amy Fuqua
Treasurer Update—Review and Approve
Corrine gave update:
Transfers to students accounts for trips made
2 Double French Horns paid
NSBA supper paid
All State paid
Trip # 4 partial payment made for $58,000
Bank Stamp paid.
Bank Balance 20,220.86; Band Student Accounts 14,348.18
No change in Script, Color Guard, Hardship Fund, Instrument Fund & Scholarship Fund
No Dough closed now; $1230 raised/8 students
Budgeting Update given by Joni:
Most uniforms turned in, list in office; A few more checked in today
Several string bags missing this year
Most return or pay for or will not be able to buy prom tickets.
Financial report approved
Committee Reports
Uniforms/Roadies: Joni gave update.
Most uniforms turned in, list in office; A few more checked in today
Several string bags missing this year
Most return or pay for or will not be able to buy prom tickets.
Concessions: Wrapping up/last on the 19th
Big Band Dance: Discussion on ways to improve from last year, students once in need to stay in, risers/platform, stage, tables to help organize better,
Band Banquet-planning will be starting tonight-need volunteers especially if you have ideas to improve
Volunteers Needed
NSBA Jazz Festival-Friday/Saturday-need volunteer to help run
Old Business
Constitution vote: Robin gave update
Funds question is covered in the document, yes they can be used for outside Honor Bands, etc.
Will change graduating senior to graduating student
Yes color guard members are part of the band
Change wording to keep records to IRS and nonprofit guidelines, not keep all records
No other questions or comments were made for revision
Motion made to accept changes and approve
Motion made to approve the acceptance of the revised constitution
Motion approved
New Business
Need new executive members-please think about it and consider helping us out
Directors Comments
Rick Mitchell
No Dough did not provide the fund raising expected. Look into something else next year
District music Contest season-24 slots available, has your student signed up, and the list will be narrowed down by spring break.
Color Guard auditions are being held this week, tryouts Thursday.
March 13th Young Irelanders Concert sign up
Nathan LeFeber
Concert coming up Kearney Catholic/KHS 3-19
Drumline Auditions music is out-
Trip questions concerning Coronavirus will be address as necessary and is being monitored for any updates