- Julie McClary called the Meeting to Order
- Reviewed Dec Meeting Minutes, Approved: 1st Kathy Maxson, 2nd Lora Littrell, All approved
- Financial Reports
- Treasurer Update – Only a few transactions such as Band Trailer Maintenance (Tires, Bearings etc), plume tote replacement, outstanding check from last semester. Approved 1st Chrisanne, 2nd Lora Littrel, all in favor.
- Committee Reports
- Uniforms / Roadies First round is back from cleaners, sent 2nd wave to cleaners and submitted payment.
- Concessions – Signup genius is out there. They fill up pretty quickly.
- Band Banquet Chair: Abe Smith looking for a few more volunteers 2-3 more. Still discussing what this will look like for the banquet.
- Big Band Dance: Lora Littrell – Looking for helpers to assist on the dance, theme is Havana nights. Looking for someone to do games or contests. $10 entrance fee is making money. Would like to maybe get more money made on concessions. Would like to get more community involvement. Discussed offering some kind of dance lesson.
- Volunteers Needed:
- Concessions: continue to look for sign up genius through the spring
- Social Media Chair – still looking at having an appointed chair.
- Band Banquet-need volunteers
- Big Band Dance-need volunteers
- Scholarship Committee: in place – This has been turned in. Applications are all run through the guidance office.
- Officer recruitment: need officers for next year: president-elect and treasurer elect and Secretary
- Managing Sponsorships – Looking for someone to fill this role. Reach out to the community and individuals to sponsor band.
- Fundraising
- Soup and Pie Supper Update – Penny reached out and we have not heard back on how much we made yet.
- Senior Graduation Seats – May 1st for this fundraiser which is $10 for up to 10 reserved seats at graduation.
- March/April Raffle – We settled on a raffle for beef, band family has offered to donate 2 ¼ beefs and Amherst butcher is donating processing. $1000 value. Due to NE revenue laws we have to be below $5000 a month. Only going to create 1000 tickets for each drawing. Then also doing 2 ribeye rolls each month as a 2nd prize. 100% profit goes to the kids since everything is donated.
- Scrip – Looking at promoting this more since Amazon Smile is going away.
- Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program) – Being discontinued by Amazon
- Old Business
- Trip Update – Sitting at 78 students signed up. Need to have 90 students for the trip.
- New Business
- NA
- Directors Comments
- Traveling with all the honor bands
- Student lead is doing a winter color guard and winter drum line. They are both on 2/14 BB Game and want to perform for Soccer.
- March concert, several universities have reached out to come perform for the kids. We have several that are stopping for perform
- Doing a Star Wars music day on May 4th.
- Picked our show for next year. Arena on a speech that Teddy Roosevelt speech about trying things. Plan on changing some things around.
- Explained the strange calendar for next year with the NSAA calendar is really early next year.
- Sept Columbus
- Oct Harvest of Harmony, Looking at some other contest, LINKS, OMI, and other out of state opportunities, Then NSBA
- Tentative Band Camp Dates
- June 26th – 30th
- July 31st – Aug 4th
- Aug 7th photos
- Discussed Masonic Camp Students, how many they send depends on how many want to do. They try to send all that apply. May 30th – June 3rd
- Motion to adjourn: 1st Bodie Fuqua, 2nd Chrisanne Wickham, all approved.
Upcoming dates Fundraising Concession Dates
02/04 Diving 9:30am
02/04 BBall 2pm
02/11 BBall 6pm
02/18 BBall 5:15pm
03/16 Soccer (time?)
Other possible dates: 02/16, 02/18, 02/25, 04/29