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  1. Julie McClary called the Meeting to Order
  2. Reviewed Dec Meeting Minutes, Approved: 1st Kathy Maxson, 2nd Lora Littrell, All approved
  3. Financial Reports
    1. Treasurer Update – Only a few transactions such as Band Trailer Maintenance (Tires, Bearings etc), plume tote replacement, outstanding check from last semester. Approved 1st Chrisanne, 2nd Lora Littrel, all in favor. 
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Uniforms / Roadies First round is back from cleaners, sent 2nd wave to cleaners and submitted payment. 
    2. Concessions – Signup genius is out there. They fill up pretty quickly. 
    3. Band Banquet Chair: Abe Smith looking for a few more volunteers 2-3 more.  Still discussing what this will look like for the banquet. 
    4. Big Band Dance: Lora Littrell – Looking for helpers to assist on the dance, theme is Havana nights. Looking for someone to do games or contests. $10 entrance fee is making money. Would like to maybe get more money made on concessions. Would like to get more community involvement. Discussed offering some kind of dance lesson.  
  5. Volunteers Needed:
    1. Concessions: continue to look for sign up genius through the spring
    2. Social Media Chair – still looking at having an appointed chair. 
    3. Band Banquet-need volunteers
    4. Big Band Dance-need volunteers
    5. Scholarship Committee: in place – This has been turned in. Applications are all run through the guidance office. 
    6. Officer recruitment: need officers for next year: president-elect and treasurer elect and Secretary 
    7. Managing Sponsorships – Looking for someone to fill this role. Reach out to the community and individuals to sponsor band.
  6. Fundraising
    1. Soup and Pie Supper Update – Penny reached out and we have not heard back on how much we made yet. 
    2. Senior Graduation Seats – May 1st for this fundraiser which is $10 for up to 10 reserved seats at graduation. 
    3. March/April Raffle – We settled on a raffle for beef, band family has offered to donate 2 ¼ beefs and Amherst butcher is donating processing. $1000 value.  Due to NE revenue laws we have to be below $5000 a month.  Only going to create 1000 tickets for each drawing.  Then also doing 2 ribeye rolls each month as a 2nd prize. 100% profit goes to the kids since everything is donated. 
    4. Scrip – Looking at promoting this more since Amazon Smile is going away. 
    5. Amazon Smile (Funds donated to Overall Band Program) – Being discontinued by Amazon
  7. Old Business
    1. Trip Update – Sitting at 78 students signed up. Need to have 90 students for the trip. 
  8. New Business
    1. NA
  9. Directors Comments
    1. Traveling with all the honor bands
    2. Student lead is doing a winter color guard and winter drum line. They are both on 2/14 BB Game and want to perform for Soccer.
    3. March concert, several universities have reached out to come perform for the kids. We have several that are stopping for perform
    4. Doing a Star Wars music day on May 4th. 
    5. Picked our show for next year. Arena on a speech that Teddy Roosevelt speech about trying things. Plan on changing some things around.
    6. Explained the strange calendar for next year with the NSAA calendar is really early next year.
      1. Sept Columbus
      2. Oct Harvest of Harmony, Looking at some other contest, LINKS, OMI, and other out of state opportunities, Then NSBA
    7. Tentative Band Camp Dates
      1. June 26th – 30th
      2. July 31st – Aug 4th
      3. Aug 7th photos
    8. Discussed Masonic Camp Students, how many they send depends on how many want to do. They try to send all that apply. May 30th – June 3rd
  10. Motion to adjourn: 1st Bodie Fuqua, 2nd Chrisanne Wickham, all approved. 

Upcoming dates Fundraising Concession Dates

02/04              Diving 9:30am

02/04              BBall 2pm

02/11              BBall 6pm

02/18              BBall 5:15pm

03/16           Soccer (time?) 

Other possible dates: 02/16, 02/18, 02/25, 04/29
